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Consortium Members



The Centre for Research & Technology Hellas is the project coordinator responsible for the administrative, financial and technical management of the project. Its main responsibilities include, translating into meaningful control the EEG-signals captured from the brain of people with disabilities. Moreover, CERTH-ITI is also responsible for the dissemination and exploitation activities of the project with an overarching goal to foster innovation among its members.

UoM, University of Malta


University of Malta (UoM), Expertise on deep analytics, WP3 leader (Deep game analytics for predicting learning behaviors and delivering appropriate learning content )

GIO, Gbmh


GIO has expertise on data analytics with data coming from users of potentialy any type application. GIO is the leader of WP3: User data aggregation, shallow game analytics, and visualizing learning

AAU, Aalborg University


Aalborg University is a partner with expertise in game analytics applied on the game industry. AAU is the leader of WP5: Pilot execution and evaluation.