Description of work

T6.1 – Dissemination activities (CERTH, UoM, AAU) [M1-M24]

The goal of this task is to establish the dissemination plan by specifying the dissemination objectives, target groups, directions, instruments and impact indicators. This plan will be initially established in the beginning of the project and will be refined after evaluating the results of the first pilot studies. An initial assessment for the plan has been already done in Sections 2.2.1 and 2.2.2. After defining this information the strategy that we plan to follow is to provide every partner with a template suitable for documenting the important characteristics of the intended dissemination activity, such as the utilized instrument, the date and place, its target audience, its purpose, its measurable impact indicator and its link to the project’s exploitable assets (see Section 2.2.1). The filled-in templates will be subsequently summarized into tables, composing a list of concrete dissemination actions that will allow us to assess, follow up and eventually correct the planned actions in terms of the reached measured impacts.

T6.2 – Exploitation activities (EA, GIO) [M1-M24]

The goal of this task is to establish the project’s exploitation plan by specifying the project’s exploitable assets, the strengths-weaknesses-opportunities-threats for these assets, the market dynamics, the restrictions imposed by the existing open source licences and the applicable business models. A preliminary version of this plan is established in Section 2.2.3, while Section 2.2.4 discusses in detail our strategy for knowledge management and intellectual property. The exploitation plan will act as the basis for the joint and individual exploitation activities of all ENVISAGE partners. Particular attention will be placed on taking into account the IPR document developed in T7.3, as well as on establishing clear links with the activities foreseen in the dissemination plan.

T6.3 – Fostering innovation (GIO) [M13-M24]

The goal of this task will be to establish some processes outside the strict technical work plan of the project that will encourage all partners to think more as entrepreneurs than researchers or retailers. In order to stimulate this environment, all partners will be encouraged to hold small, task related meetings, where they can brainstorm ideas collectively, and to have demo sessions at consortium meetings so that new results can be rapidly shared.


Partners’ role: All partners of the project are involved in dissemination and exploitation activities. Activities concerning the use case partner EA and the project SME GIO include the direct interactions with virtual lab designers, developers, etc, and the direct exploitation of ENVISAGE assets (i.e., the back-end data log infrastructure, the front-end analytics widgets, the authoring tool, etc). The focus of research (CERTH) and academic (UoM, AAU) partners will be mostly on academic dissemination through research publications and on exploitation via their spin-off companies.